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Friday, July 4, 2014

Science Institute Page

The Science Institute of Agloe Hills
Ensuring Scientific Quality and Visibility

Where are we?
The Science Institute of Agloe Hills is located beside the Music Store and Park, and across from Upper Canopy District.

What are we researching?
We're currently researching the mystic plains of Mythic (/warp mythic)! So far we've found pyramids of quartz and redstone block, sands of gold, and moons of redstone lamp and glass. What other secrets could this mystic land hold?

Coming Soon:
+Souvenir Shop
+Completed Fourth Floor
+Intuitive Classroom (tentative)

What's Inside?
First Floor: Experiments
-Ice Chamber (Hands-on) (donated by PepperSnake)
Transparent blocks, such as glass, fence, leaves and ice (note: not packed ice) will not harm any entities trapped within.
-The Rail Experiment (Hands-on)
We concluded that, without anyone inside, a cart with a certain number of unpowered rails will stop; however, if a player was inside, the cart would continue on.
-The Underwater Cake Experiment
Cake underwater proved not to despawn; though the water did displace, as if the cake were a slab.
-"Forever" Furnace
A lava placed in a furnace can burn for quite a while.

Second Floor: Biology
-Water Length and Properties
Water flows to 8 blocks on a flat surface; it also can be placed on sugarcane.
-Water/Lava to Cobblestone Bridge (Hands-on)
Water, when meeting falling lava, creates cobblestone. Pushed out by a piston activated by a player, the cobblestone (and quartz) will eventually build a bridge to a balcony located outside of the Institute.
-Ice Comparisons (Hands-on)
Entities tend to glide/move faster on ice than on packed ice; for both ices, it takes a while until one reaches their full speed.
-Sunflower on Tilled Land
A sunflower, naturally spawned on grass blocks, may be placed on tilled land.
-Chicken Properties (Hands-on)
The Chicken, a passive mob, is one of the most beneficial animals in Minecraft. They are not affected by fall damage, drop eggs occasionally, and drop feathers and raw chicken (cooked chicken, if died on fire). This is displayed in the Science Institute.

Third Floor: Physics and Mechanics
-Mechanical Entrance (Hands-on)
A simple piston-powered door marks the entrance to the third floor.
-Disappearing Sand Experiment (Hands-on)
A glitch where sand disappears, occurring when a piston is spammed on sand, is displayed.
-Dispenser-Hopper Experiment (Hands-on)
An item is dispensed into a hopper, which is then deposited into another dispenser is dispensed, therefore displaying the use of both the dispenser and hopper.
-Piston Works (Hands-on)
A simple display of a piston, powered by a lever.
-Piston Door (Hands-on)
The piston door is displayed, with visible mechanics ("how it works").
-Shelf-Stairs (Hands-on)
A somewhat complex redstone wiring transforms a simple shelf into stairs. Examinable. ("how it works")
-Redstone-powered lights
Redstone lamps are lit by redstone blocks.

Fourth Floor: Misc. (Currently in Construction)
-Piano Buttons (Hands-on)
A tuned (Concert Bb) Scale is playable, via buttons.

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